Integrated Management System Policy

Integrated Management System Policy

Integrated Management System Policy

Integrated Management System (ISM) policy, as a part of the company's business policy, connects all elements of our business into a comprehensive management system, in order to meet the demands of all stakeholders, to improve business operations and achieve business goals in line with the vision of the company.

The Integrated management system policy contributes to the management of the Generali Voluntary Pension Fund Management Company  (hereinafter DUDPF) in directing the organization to a better business performance. All employees are required to comply with this policy.

The goal of DUDPF is to improve the Company's business processes, improve the quality of services and increase customer satisfaction and trust.

The basic principles of the Integrated Management System Policy are working dedication  of our employees and focus on excellent results, while respecting all legal regulations.

All employees have the responsibility to apply and improve the Integrated management system. No individual actions should impair the acquired image of DUDPF on the market by their quality.

The Integrated management system policy is the basis for determining the goals of the company.

The Integrated management system policy is reviewed at least once a year and changed when necessary.